# Naming tokens
New in v1.1, Naming Tokens are a set of short letter combinations following a $
. Based on the system of file naming from Cinema 4D (opens new window), it is possible to create a sequence that will generate dynamic names and folders for all your renders.
# Token insert

Next to the File Name field there is a little [v]
button. Inside of here are some of the more common tokens available. Click to add it to the end of the file name. These are not all of the supported tokens, just a few of the most commonly used.
# Dynamic file names
It is now possible to include the time, date and other useful info in the file name. These elements are replaced automatically in the file name, so while it looks a little weird, on April 4, 2022 at 11:42am:
Becomes ↓
# Dynamic folder names
One of the most powerful parts of the system is the dynamic creation of render folders. By adding slashes to the file name field, Anubis will create sub-folders starting at where you point the export folder picker.
A common use is to create dated, daily render folders as a method of organizing the exports for each of your projects.
Becomes ↓
# Parent folder
In the Token Insert menu, you'll see an option that adds ../
to the name field. This cryptic group of symbols is not a naming token, but a way that computers navigate folders relatively. Anubis will render to the folder in the Export path but from there it is possible to go into a parent folder by adding ../
. Go up 2 folders with ../../
. You get the idea.
Relative path (Ae)
Don't forget about relative render folders from After Effects. This means each project can have its own render folder, with dated sub folders.
# All available tokens
Sequence | Description |
$prj | Saved file name |
$comp | Comp or timeline name (Ae and Pr) |
$fps | Frames per second |
$app | Host app (Ae, An, Pr, Ps) |
$range | Frame range being rendered |
$YY | 2 digit year (22) |
$YYYY | 4 digit year (2022) |
$M | Month number (4) |
$MM | Month number padded (04) |
$MMM | 3 letter month name (Jan) |
$MMMM | Month name (January) |
$D | Day number (4) |
$DD | Day number padded (04) |
$DDD | 3 letter day of the week (Mon) |
$DDDD | Day of the week (Monday) |
$h | (1-12) Hour number (3:07pm = 3) |
$hh | (01-12) Hour number padded (3:07pm = 03) |
$H | (0-23) Hour number (3:07pm = 15) |
$HH | (00-23) Hour number padded (3:07pm = 15) |
$m | Minute number (3:07pm = 7) |
$mm | Minute number padded (3:07pm = 07) |
$s | Second number (3:07:09pm = 9) |
$ss | Second number padded (3:07:09pm = 09) |
$A | AM or PM |
$a | am or pm |
# Why so many date variations?
The way dates are displayed depends a lot on your preference. The many options are to provide as much flexibility as possible.
$M = 2 $MM = 02 $MMM = Feb $MMMM = February
# Do you take requests
If you would like a additional token added to the system, contact us and we'll see what we can do.