# Settings
# Show settings
Click the settings button on the Ps/An toolbars or right-click any of the panels to open Settings

# Customize toolbar
Hide and show buttons and build the toolbar that best supports your work and muscle memory. These settings may be exported/imported for use on different computers.
# Default buttons (An)

# All buttons (Ps)

# Options
# Add timestamp to render filename
Adobe apps do a lot behind the scenes to cache what you need, but sometimes they fail to update when you replace footage. If you find that your renders fail to update, enable timestamps for the exporting app. Exported files will have a timestamp added to the end so the importing app sees it as a fresh file.
The timestamp is made up of 2 digits for the year, month, date, hour, minute, second.
2021, July 30, 3:37:30pm
becomes LayerName - 2021Jul30_153730.swf
# Tooltips
This one is personal preference. No judgment either way.
# Render to Ae project file path
The same control as on the After Effects panel.
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